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HARA Shiori

Alumni Panel Panelist

Shiori Hara is an alumna of the 2018 TOMODACHI MUFG International Exchange Program. With extensive experience participating in various alumni programs, she is passionate about connecting and developing the alumni community for future generations. She is currently serving as a Core Committee member for the TOMODACHI Alumni Tohoku Region. She is presently studying in the Faculty of Humanities at Sophia University, majoring in Philosophy. Her focus is on Western philosophical thought, particularly Ancient Greek philosophy and modern German ontology and epistemology. She is also working towards obtaining a teaching license, dedicating herself to studies in the field of education. Also she has a deep appreciation for the arts, with a long-standing enthusiasm for music appreciation, visiting art museums, and reading.

原詩緒莉は、2018年TOMODACHI MUFG 国際交流プログラムのアラムナイです。数々のアラムナイプログラムに参加した経験から、アラムナイコミュニティを次世代へ繋げ発展させることに熱意を持ち、現在はTOMODACHIアラムナイ東北地域コア委員会メンバーとして活動している。現在は上智大学文学部哲学科に在学中。西洋哲学の中でも哲学思想領域を専攻し、古代ギリシア哲学および近現代ドイツの存在論や認識論を中心に学ぶ。教員免許の取得を目指し教育分野の学習にも励んでいる。文芸への造詣も深く、音楽鑑賞、美術館巡り、読書に長年熱中している。

HARA Shiori
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