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Pitch Contest Speaker

Miku Hayashida is an alumna of the TOMODACHI Story Jam for Youth with Disabilities 2021. While in college, she studied social work and self-advocacy as a person with disabilities in Japan and the United States. Currently, while working as a social worker in the field of supporting employment for people with disabilities, she is also actively involved in advocacy activities to share her story as a wheelchair user in various fields. She will pursue a Master's degree in Social Work at Boston University from next fall.

林田光来は、TOMODACHI Story Jam for Youth with Disabilities 2021のアラムナイです。大学在学中に日本とアメリカでソーシャルワークと障害当事者としてのセルフアドボカシーを学びました。現在は障害のある人々の就労を支援する現場のソーシャルワーカーとして働いている傍ら、「障害があってもなくてもひとが自分らしくあり続けられる社会をみんなで創る」を軸に、車いすユーザーとしてのストーリーを多方面に伝えるアドボカシー活動も積極的に行っています。来年秋にボストン大学院ソーシャルワーク学部修士課程に進学予定。

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